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Cable Crossover Flye
The Cable Crossover Flye

See muscles involved

Primary Muscles Involved
Pectorals, Anterior Deltoids

Other Muscles Involved
Biceps, Abdominals (Stabilizing the torso), Forearm Muscles

Grip the handles of the cables and assume a staggered stance while leaning slightly forward. Slightly bend the elbows so that the hands are approximately even with the lower chest (Starting Position). Contract the chest muscles to make the arms arc forward while straightening the elbows until the elbows are approximately straight and the hands are almost touching in front of the chest (Finishing Position).

Tips and Safety
Avoid using an excessively heavy weight as this will adversely affect your form. Avoid excessively abducting the upper arms (raising the elbows) because it will place excessive stress on the shoulders and detract from your chest training.

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